Mauritius: Swimming on Horseback in the Lagoon

Swimming on Horseback – 1h, 1.5h or 2h

Intended exclusively for experienced riders, the swimming on horseback experience adds an extra dimension by allowing riders to lead their mounts into the seawater up to saddle height. The horse swims with its rider on its back. It’s a truly enchanting moment.


You and your mount swimming together in the ocean isn’t a dream; this is a unique moment that will remain anchored in your memories.


You may have heard of “swimming with dolphins” – wonderful, certainly (we recommend it) but with this activity, you’ll be swimming with your horse – that’s something else entirely.


Horses are land animals like humans, and, like us, they like to relax by swimming in deep water.


This activity is reserved for more experienced riders or enlightened amateurs.


As with other activities at the farm, we’ll start by checking your level  – safety is THE priority at our facility.


This time, a bathing suit is just what you need. Saddle up for a ride along a secluded path to a nearby beach.


On-site, you’ll put on your swimsuit, while we will have equipped the horses with suitable, sea water-resistant gear.


You will always be accompanied by a specialized guide, you’ll enter the water on horseback, sinking into deep water until you and your mount are forced to swim. On or alongside the horse, you’ll accompany each other.


A moment of bonding, trust, and willingness, is shared between you and your horse.


Sheer equitherapy!


Morning Session only – Starting time latest 10h


What’s Included:

  • Head spray
  • Ankle chaps
  • Equestrian Guide/Groom or Educator (depending on activity)


What’s Not Included:

  • Gratuities
  • Transportation to and from the meeting point, but can be arranged as a supplement


What to Bring:

• Trousers or Leggings
• Walking or close shoes
• Swimsuits under Clothes
• A Change of Clothes
• Insect repellent
• Suncream
• Sunglasses
• Cameras


Additional Information:

**All outings, walks, and swimming with horses are subject to weather conditions and the number of kite surfers out at sea. Should the client decide otherwise, he/she will be entirely responsible for his/her actions.


Duration: A Ride on the Beach – 1h, 1.5h or 2h
The Activity is not recommended for women in their 8 weeks+ pregnancy


Starting Address:

Route Royale,
Le Morne Peninsula,